Hello, everyone!
At Daiba office, we only have a few opportunities to meet face-to-face with other team members and supervisors due to work circumstances.
Because of that, we created a “Profile Book” in order to get to know everyone better!
In this profile book, aside from work-related information such as programs being in charge of and the software frequently used, everybody are also able to share some personal details, like hobbies and favorite stuff.
(Of course, everybody can choose to fill in only the sections they’re comfortable with.)
More so, we’ve set up a monitor at the office entrance displaying everyone’s photos, making it easy to recognize a colleague and say, “Oh, so this is Mr./Ms ○○!” (*^^)v
We were able to create more conversations by learning about the hobbies of senior colleagues and new members in the team that we didn’t have much opportunities to interact with! This makes the workplace atmosphere even more pleasant!
Going forward, we hope to continue finding creative ways to encourage interactions beyond team boundaries!